Our mission is to help our clients succeed with their marketing strategy, not only through the products we create, but through the services and expertise we offer; before, during, and long after the job is complete.
John Salaki, Jr.
Founder and Principal
John Salaki provides leadership and expertise in print and direct mail for magnetmailers.com. He enjoys helping clients increase their productivity and realize profitability with direct mail marketing.
Brandon Fixsen has called him “an average golfer,” and Debbie Evans can think of “no better whatever you call yourself than you.” John has successfully mailed magnets for over a decade. His latest creation is the CLINGCARD postcard, a new take on leave-behind direct mail without the need for ferrous metals.
John has twenty years of experience in print and direct mail and co-founded Magnet Mailers in 2005. John was previously a partner with WOWindows, LLC (now WOWindows Posters), a holiday decoration company as well as Cranford.com, a local community news outlet and official town website. He has experience in marketing, branding, business development, and management. He is currently focused on ensuring efficiency and value for all client projects.
A graduate of Mount St. Mary's University, he holds an degree in Business and Finance. He has volunteered and, in many cases continues to volunteer, as a coach for youth basketball, soccer, baseball, golf and flag football coach. He currently serves as Chairperson on the town pool commission.
In addition to his full time position, John helps his wife Mary run a household of three boys and one girl. In his spare, spare time, John mows his own lawn and lowers his property value through DIY home-improvement projects. On the bright side, John is a straight shooter and has a good technical understanding of his work.
John can be reached directly at 908-272-5990 or john@magnetmailers.com.